Subject: Re: several questions for a NetBSD newbie...
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/05/1997 02:32:32
Bill Studenmund drunkenly mumbled...
> > Just about every computer on the market today runs UNIX, except the Mac
> > (and nobody cares about it).
> > -- Bill Joy 6/21/85
^^---- outadted?? well, yea.
> Ehm. Though the comment's dated, not only do Mac's run Unix, 68k macs run
> NetBSD (powerpc stuff is still in progress).
i was a part of the NetBSD/mac mailing list for a long time, so yes, i'm
aware of that, and Linux runs on the PowerPC right now. (if linux actually
runs on the PowerPC or not, and if Linux is really UNIX are things i don't
care to argue right now <g>)
> Also, on the NetBSD/mac68k web site there is a fire wall toolkit which
> would be another way to let you run Netscape on your sparc while the
> modem's on the i386.
this would cover telnet and ftp as well??
> I'm not sure where the kit lives, but check out
> It's in there somewhere. :-)
i'll give it a look when i have time.
ps: here's an updated .sig for you.
The fundamental difference between Unix and the Macintosh operating system is
that Unix was designed to please programmers, whereas the Mac was designed to
please users. (Windows, on the other hand, was designed to please accountants,
but that's another story.)
--The UNIX-HATERS Handbook
=== End Transmission ===