Subject: Re: userid & group id
To: Allen E. Caldwell <>
From: Rick Byers <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/04/1997 14:49:07
AFAIK, all the uid and gid stuff was now 32 bit - i.e. 4
billion... I'm pretty sure the filesystem has 32 bit fields, but I'm not
sure how much of the rest of the tree is designed to work with 32 bit
uid/gids. uid_t (the type for user id's) is an unsigned int, so there
shouldn't be any problems...
On Thu, 3 Apr 1997, Allen E. Caldwell wrote:
> Does NetBSD support userid numbers up to 60K area,
> or is it still at 30K area?
> user:password:XXXXX:XXXXX::0:0:info:/usr/home/user:/bin/sh
Rick Byers Internet Access Worldwide System Administrator
Welland, Ontario, Canada (905)714-1400