Subject: Re: Chrystal Sound System (CS4232)
To: Lennart Augustsson <>
From: Rafal Boni <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/02/1997 19:29:37
Hmm.  I just built a kernel yesterday (while sitting home due to snow up to my 
waist in our driveway! 8-) and my SB/16 seems to play audio (at .au files) 
quite well (as opposed to the scratchy sound before).  This probably isn't 
conclusive proof either way, but I thought I'd
mention it.

BTW, I couldn't get .WAV files to play right, but I assume that's because 
/dev/audio didn't adjust itself to the right sampling rate/encoding/etc (aren't 
wav files just the raw bits w/out
the header?)


---------- Original Text ----------

From: Lennart Augustsson <>, on 4/2/97 7:25 PM:

> Either the autoinit DMA support in the NetBSD sb driver is buggy, or
> the Crystal chip's SBPro emulation is.  I won't guess which, because
> I'm biased. :-)
The autoinit DMA support is indeed broken, but the regular DMA seems
to be broken as well.  For better results you should disable autoinit
DMA and revert to version 1.21 of dev/isa/isadma.c.

        -- Lennart