Subject: Re: http over ppp ?
To: Don Ray <>
From: Brian Buhrow <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/01/1997 09:59:29
Is it also possible that the Windows 95 implementtation isn't handling
IP fragments properly?
On Mar 31, 9:31pm, "Don Ray" wrote:
} Subject: Re: http over ppp ?
} Hi Perry,
} Thanks for that incredible interpretation of tcpdump!
} At the end of your analysis you queried:
} > It appears that for whatever reason, the second machine isn't being
} > very nice.
} >
} > You don't say if this happens over your PPP link or your ethernet.
} That was the dump result for the browser over the ppp link method. The
} browser over the ethernet gets pages from the same server just fine.
} > One possibility is that the link is handling short packets well but is
} > scrambling long ones. You might try doing pings with long packet
} > lengths and see.
} Maybe I should experiment with smaller mtu and mru sizes on the ppp link
} along with the long packet pings.
} Thanks so much for your help!
} ~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~
} Don Ray
} Picker Int'l.
} Service Technologies
} ~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~
>-- End of excerpt from "Don Ray"