Subject: Re: http over ppp ?
To: None <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/31/1997 17:56:15
Randy Skedel writes:
> I'm sure someone here can help me. I'm running a NetBSD box with Apache
> web server, mgetty and pppd. I can dial into the box and make a ppp
> conection just fine. I can telnet, rlogin, ftp and just about anything
> you can think of accross the ppp link. Only problem is, I can't access
> html pages with a browser over the ppp link. It serves the pages up fine
> through the ln0 (ethernet) interface but not through ppp0.
1) What type of machine are you are getting the pages from? Hardware,
architecture, OS Version?
2) Hardware, architecture, OS version for the NetBSD box?
> When I use tcpdump and monitor ppp0, I can see a few www packets but
> then they stop.
Can you send a copy of this dump?