Subject: Re: matrox or diamond?
To: Jukka Marin <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/28/1997 10:48:05
Jukka Marin drunkenly mumbled...
> I'm looking for a better graphics card (I have a Diamond Stealth 64 EDO)
> and Diamond Stealth 3400 4MB VRAM looks nice. Is this a fast card or
> should I look the Matrox cards instead? I want to run X with 65536 or
> more colors (XFree32) on a "166 MHz" Cyrix 6x86. I'm quite satisfied
> with my current gfx card, but I can't use 1280x1024 because of running
> out of display RAM.
the Number Nine Motion 771 is an excellent card and doesn't cost a whole lot.
if you want to drop some cash, get a Number Nine Imagine 128 Pro w/8M VRAM.
they're expensive, but damn are they fast, X11 cruises with that thing at
any resolution.
Just about every computer on the market today runs UNIX, except the Mac
(and nobody cares about it).
-- Bill Joy 6/21/85
"Never underestimate the power of a computer." - Superman III
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