Subject: Re: Dilemma. how to store DOS directories ?
To: None <,,,>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/28/1997 08:37:19
>>> Given that the various FAT formats aren't really related, it seems
>>> like a bad idea to try to wedge them into normal 'restore' (or
>>> 'dump,' for that matter).
>> I wonder if gtar's facilities for doing incremental dumps aren't
>> more suitable to dumping FAT file systems than dump is...
> I'm deliberately avoiding tar/cpio for the following reasons:
> * each writes individual files to tape (less efficient on some tape
> media, not to mention slower)
I have no clue what you're talking about here, at least with respect to
tar. A tar tape is a stream of 512-byte blocks, reblocked depending on
the blocking factor, typically reblocked to 10K blocks. This is true
regardless of where file boundaries fall.
> * neither provides interactive restoration (restore if)
This is a valid point, though some versions of tar provide a mode that
asks for user confirmation for every operation, which can be looked on
as a sort of poor-man's version of interactive restore.
der Mouse
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