Subject: Re: how to name fs specific programs
To: Terry Lambert <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/26/1997 17:46:09
>The point is to enable people who *do* "want to do such a thing";
>if you don't, then your opinion on the matter is not requested,

Then I think you should remove <> from the
distribution, too. if two trivial, syntactic details -- using "_" vs
/" as separators, and the endian-ness of the name components on either
of the separator -- are such show-stoppers for your scheme, then I
would be surprised if anyone here wants it.

(I'm on port-i386, so I'll still see all this, eventually.  I try and
answer personal e-mail in real-time, and mailing-list traffic much
later and erratically, which is why I asked you to remove my name; and
why I'm now asking you to consider removing port-i386, too).

>only your opinion on implementation details (assuming you are a
>competent coder).

You've had my opinion.  If you don't like it, feel free to ignore it.
I've already asked if we can let this slide.  Can't we do that?

You might also consider dropping the unwarranted personal shots about
someone's competence, simply because they have the temerity to
disagree with you. I don't anyone ever looks good doing that.
