Subject: Re: several questions for a NetBSD newbie...
To: Michael L. VanLoon -- <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/25/1997 13:29:23
Michael L. VanLoon -- drunkenly mumbled...
> Note that you won't need to bother with this if you get a high-end
> serial card like a Hayes ESP, as mentioned below.
i'll probably get this patched in since i won't have the ESP anytime soon.
will i have to back the patch out when i do get the ESP, or will it work
with the patch in?
> Plus, I think it's probably a little counter-productive to suggest to
> a new user that they immediately go upgrade to current, or graft the
> current sources onto a release. On the other hand, he was just
> running Linux, so he might be used to patching up all the
> sources... :-)
i'd rather not talk about it!! :) (i have patched WAY too much linux stuff)
i'm not a new user, i'm just new to NetBSD in particular, my first UNIX box
(oh, i guess about 7 years ago now) was an IBM RT running BSD 4.3 :) it is
buried in a closet somewhere, maybe i should make that run again. anyone
have any spare (meaning free) ESDI drives??
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(and nobody cares about it).
-- Bill Joy 6/21/85
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=== End Transmission ===