Subject: Re: dump for MS-DOS partitions.
To: None <, port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: J Wunsch <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/24/1997 21:49:16
As Darren Reed wrote:
> Well, after a days work, it's done. well, I think it works :)
Not bad. ;-)
> Unfortunately, restore doesn't work with the dump file created, but I'm
> not sure yet whether it is because it isn't a UFS dump or I've not done
> something right.
Restore shouldn't be much dependent on UFS features. Unlike
(ufs)dump, it works at file level, not at disk level.
> If you want to grab it and play, it is at:
Better name it `dosdump'? Remember, there's more DOSes than just M$.
Also, we do already have a mkdosfs(8), maybe somebody would even write
a dosfsck(8). (mkdosfs doesn't understand harddisks however. I'm not
the right person to ask for this, my DOS knowledge is too weak.)
Ideally, all this should probably named s/dos/fat/g. It's a more
descriptive name of this filesystem.
cheers, J"org -- -- NIC: JW11-RIPE
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)