Subject: What is it with me and unsupported hardware?
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/20/1997 21:08:02
So, I finally broke down and got a SCSI controller for my PC, mostly
so I can exchange disks between it and SoftWindows (which can use
PC removable media), and I thought "gee, wouldn't it be cool if it
ran under NetBSD". It doesn't, of course. I consider this, by now,
more a flaw in my purchasing trends than in NetBSD.
It is produced by "SIIG", but PCI says they're really "Advanced Systems
Products" while choosing not to configure the card. It's a PCI fast SCSI
"bus master" (whatever that means) and has product magic code 0x1200.
How likely is it that this Just Works if I add a magic line somewhere?
If it's harder than that, what other options do I have? The company
actually documents and provides Linux drivers, so I have available
source to make it drive itself under Linux... Does this help? Does
whether or not it helps depend on the licensing, which I haven't
read yet?
*sigh*. On the bright side, this thing still makes a great game machine,
hardware randomness or no.