Subject: Re: pcvt, bell
To: Jukka Marin <>
From: Matthieu Herrb <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/14/1997 09:49:59
You wrote (in your message from Thu 13)
> Two questions:
> XFree86 crashed on me and left all my pcvt consoles in a weird state
> (they're in graphics mode) and I have no idea of how to get them back
> without a reboot. I restarted X over the network and it's working fine -
> it's just the other virtual consoles that don't work. Any ideas?
A fonction to do that should be implemented in the console driver
(pcvt or pccons) or in an external program. Currently XFRee86 cannot
handle it: it saves the state of the VGA adapter (corresponding
normally to the text mode) when it starts and restores it when it
terminates. In case of a crash that's not intercepted by XFree86
signal handler, the text mode is not restored, and the saved state for
the next reboot will be wrong.
AFAIK, X-inside restores a default text mode instead, but many users
complain that their fancy text modes are not restored.