Subject: Re: xntpd going wild
To: None <>
From: Markus Kilbinger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/13/1997 20:25:40
>>>>> "Don" == Don Lewis <> writes:
Don> [...]
Don> the } impression offering too many xntpd servers in the
Don> ntp.conf file can } confuse the daemon.
Don> That's not the reason, though. There was a bug causing an
Don> infinite loop in the 3-5.88 and 3-5.89 vintages. It was
Don> fixed sometime after the release of 3-5.89. Your best bet is
Don> to get{,-export}.tar.gz
Don> (though even that may have problems if you have a hardware
Don> reference clock attached) or newer.
Getting -5.89.8 helped, thanx for the hint. (We are not using a
directly attached reference clock ;-))