Subject: kernel panic
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Berndt Josef Wulf <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/27/1997 07:47:28
Operating System: NetBSD 1.2 alpha
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I am getting kernel panics for the last few days. Since my system
configuration wasn't changed for a long while it seem to be logical
that it may be cause by some hardware problem.
Below is a trace of the last debugger trace:
_Debugger (f811c70,f81a1235,f9e98d54,f877600,f9e98d58) at
_panic (f81a1235,f8fac00,f9e98e10,f8190a1d,f87e2c00) at _panic+0x3a
_ufs_dirbad (f87c2c00,0,f81a04e0,f87c5a80,f9e98f1c) at _ufs_dirbad 0x37
_ufs_lookup (f9e98e44,f87c580,f9e98f1c,f8832500,f8832500) at
_nameei (f9e98f8,f8832500,f8832300,f81e349c,f8832500) at namei+0x185
_sys_chroot (f9e98ef8,f8832300) at sys_chroot+0x8d
_sys_chdir(f8832300,f9e98f88,f9e98f80,0,1a800) at sys_chdir+0x37
_syscall at syscall+0x21c
_syscall (number 12)
This trace was copied by hand.... is there a way of printing it out or
saving to a file?
I am getting the impression that the panic may be caused by a harddisk
Can someone confirm my suspicions?
cheerio Berndt
Name : Berndt Josef Wulf
E-Mail :
Sysinfo : DEC AXPpci33+, NetBSD-1.2