Subject: timeout updating leds with new keyboard
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dave Huang <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/22/1997 23:09:58
I just got a new keyboard (a PC Concepts "The 'Wave' 109-Key Keyboard"),
and whenever I hit caps lock, scroll lock, or num lock, I get "pc:
timeout updating leds", and the LEDs don't change. I'm using the "pc"
console driver, haven't tried with pcvt yet. The keyboard has a PS/2
style connector on it, and came with an adapter for the normal AT-style
Any ideas? :) It's not very important, but it's sorta annoying :)
Name: Dave Huang | Mammal, mammal / their names are called /
INet: | they raise a paw / the bat, the cat /
FurryMUCK: Dahan | dolphin and dog / koala bear and hog -- TMBG
Dahan: Hani G Y+C 21 Y++ L+++ W- C++ T++ A+ E+ S++ V++ F- Q+++ P+ B+ PA+ PL++