Subject: creating **nux shared libs on NetBSD? O:-)
To: NetBSD i386 <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/14/1997 22:38:24
I have a weird problem:
I'm using the linux version of Applixware, which can call user functions
written in C and saved in standard shared libraries. For example, I can
write new functions for the spreadsheet program and they look and behave
just like the original Applixware functions. BUT: Applixware expects
these libraries to be in linux format, of course (it doesn't want to load
NetBSD shared libraries).
Is there a simple way of creating linux libs under NetBSD 1.2 (like, is
the gcc output format the same, ie. can I just grab a few utilities from
linux and make the libs) or do I have to install the whole gcc/ld/ar/ranlib
family from linux?
Interesting package this Applixware.. I like the "open architecture" it has
As always, thanks a lot.
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