Subject: Re: MuPAD port
To: Jukka Marin <>
From: Markus Illenseer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/13/1997 08:03:24
> If you're interested in maths, check out
> Is there anyone in Germany who could lend a NetBSD/i386 account to these
> people so they could build a new MuPAD binary for NetBSD? If not, I'll
> ask if they'd want to use my machine over a s-l-o-w connection.
I am from Paderborn and have tried to contact these people several times
yet, alas w/o success yet. Maybe I should try again. Of course I want
MuPad to be ported for many NetBSD ports, not only i386, I currently can
offer guest accounts for i386 and Amiga reachable on the Internet, any
other volunteers, preferable in Germany as well?
Markus Illenseer