Subject: Re: Build help from fresh install
To: None <>
From: Mike Long <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/06/1997 14:22:31
>From: <>
>Date: Thu, 6 Feb 97 12:50:37 EST
>Well the answer to my stripped /netbsd question was to rebuild
>the kernel. Great. This is a fresh netbsd install with all
>the V1.2 distribution sets.
>The usr/src/sys doesn't even exist. So is there any advice
>out there? Should I kill the link and create the /sys/arch/i386/conf
>directory? Where do I get a sample configuration file?
It appears that you've only installed the binary distribution sets.
IIRC, you need to install the ksrc12.* set.
Mike Long <> <URL:>
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