Subject: my utility 486
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Richardson <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/05/1997 18:06:52
I'm about to replace a 200Mb drive on a 486/66 with a 1.6Gb IDE +
IDE cdrom. This is my occasional DOS/Win3 (now win95) machine
(accounting, M$ crap, games).
[I actually have a 300Mb drive too on this system. I also have a
dual channel VLB controller that I'll probably swap in. My BIOS
doesn't support four (3+cdrom) drives, and I don't currently have
enough power connectors, or mounting spaces]
I expect that I may wind up doing some Windows NT work on it
eventually. I don't have NT here right now.
I *will* be doing some work with BSDi in the next two months.
I will be booting a NetBSD kernel-du-jour for testing of an ISDN
driver. I can probably do this with a floppy.
I would like to have Linux installed somewhere.
I don't expect to do both BSDi and NT at the same time, and I have
an old SCSI disk+1542 that is sitting in the closet with BSDi on it
So, I cound three OSs:
- win95, eventually NT
- NetBSD
- Linux
- ??? -- could be installed in common swap if necessary.
It would be nice to share swap space between NetBSD and Linux. Win95/NT
too if possible.
My bios is also old enough that it only handles 1023
cylinders. Win95 doesn't care, I think. (I've never installed win95
before :-)
Can I have some comments on the following plan:
partition 1: 504Mb DOS partition
partition 2: 200Mb "swap"
partition 3: 400Mb Linux (probably redhat)
partition 4: 400Mb NetBSD
Problem: the 200Mb swap may not available to DOS/Win95/WinNT?
What order of installation should I do?
:!mcr!: | Network security consulting and
Michael Richardson | contract programming
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