Subject: Re: -current: APM problems
To: None <>
From: Chris G. Demetriou <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/17/1997 14:44:20
> You aren't alone. APM is totally non-functional for me right now. I've
> noticed thins are getting worse, and I'm setting up for an intensive
> debugging run shortly.

FWIW (though it's probably unrelated to Matthias's problem):

The january 3 checkin:

>revision 1.19
>date: 1997/01/04 03:04:25;  author: jtk;  state: Exp;  lines: +5 -5
>Be more careful with posting events for user standbys and user
>suspends--let the user-level daemon handle it if present.

to arch/i386/i386/apm.c broke bios-initiated suspend/standby on my
Thinkpad 701C...

The bios signals that it wants a transition to suspend or standby
mode, the apm code in the kernel "rejects" the request, passes the
event to the APM daemon which signals a susend or standby request to
the kernel, which apparently succeeds... but it never happens!

without that patch, it works, and "manual" suspend/standby requests
(i.e. using the 'apm' command by hand) works...
