Subject: scsi vs atapi bus (Was: xmcd with ATAPI?)
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Manuel BOUYER <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/17/1996 17:03:26
On Dec 14, Jason Thorpe wrote
>  > >	(2) the ATAPI code needs to become a `scsibus' attached to
>  > >	    an IDE controller (which is how BSD/OS does it).
>  > 
>  > This is a gruesome hack in BSD/OS, too, and I've never seen it work nearly
>  > as well as they'd like to pretend it does.
> ...considering what ATAPI is, the `scsibus' approach is exactly the right
> one.

When I started writing the atapi driver, I have been thinking about that too.
But there is too much differences between scsi and atapi commands (in
the cd audio commands, for example) to get an atapi device look like an scsi
one in a simple and efficient way.
To do this, you would basicaly need (at the wdc driver level) to analyse
the scsi command send by the upper driver, and set up the rigth atapi command.
And this whould have to be done for all the implemented commands.

Manuel Bouyer, MASI, Universite Paris VI.