Subject: Re: pccons weirdness
To: Olaf Seibert <>
From: Phil Knaack <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/13/1996 22:20:40
>Whenever there is supposed to be highlighted text, it is
>invisible instead. Sometimes its idea of "invisible" changes from black
>to blue: then the highlighted text is a solid blue rectangle.
>This is with the 1.2 release GENERICAHA, so it has the pccons console.
I have seen things like this, and other things (like areas which
are normally highlighted becoming simply underlined), however, I always
attributed that problem to the fact that the one machine I use pccons on
is a "Bi-Link" portable series with an orange/amber gas plasma screen
plugged into the feature connector of a goofy PVGA card. But perhaps
this might actually have very little to do with it... ?
>I briefly tried with pcvt, and that works ok.
[ Whereas, on this Bi-Link, pcvt doesn't work at all (the screen
goes perpetually blank). Not that this is a problem, the gas
plasma screen is pretty non-standard (read: ancient) hardware. :)
Also, simultaneous connection to a standard VGA monitor yields
a perfectly normal display.
If someone, while bored, wants to hazzard a guess as to why this
is, I would be interested in knowing why .. ]
Phillip F Knaack
Systems Administrator, Information Development for Extension Audiences (IDEA)
Iowa State University Extension