Subject: Re: Help getting PPP going!
To: None <>
From: Mike Long <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/01/1996 20:18:17
>Date: Wed, 27 Nov 1996 11:07:30 -0600
>From: (Rich Huey)
>I'm a newbie to NetBSD, and I need a little help getting PPP working on my
>machine. I have downloaded the base12 and etc12 sets and installed them on
>my machine. I haven't yet had time to download any other sets. Anyway, I
>want to get a ppp connection with my machine so I can download the files
>directly to it rather than to my other machine, and then have to copy
>everything to floppy (no network :(
>I found some documentation on setting up a ppp connection, but then I found
>that I didn't have ppp set up on my machine, and something about
>re-compiling the kernel. I don't know how to do this, and I don't know
>what else I need. I assume I'll need to put the comp12 set on my machine
>to have a compiler, but is that all? What else do I need?
If you are still using the INSTALL kernel, you should install the
GENERIC kernel instead. If I recall correctly, the GENERIC kernel has
PPP support.
Then you should get either the man12 set, or just the pppd(8) and
chat(8) manpages, so that you can learn how to set up your PPP link.
Mike Long <> <URL:>
VLSI Design Engineer finger for PGP public key
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