Subject: X Inside dropped NetBSD was (Re: Accelerated X for NetBSD 1.2? (fwd))
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: aron <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/08/1996 00:48:27
I'm not entirely sure how approriate this is but I figured some folks
would be interested. I recall a bit of traffic regarding Xinside on one
of the lists but don't recall if this was covered. I have left the
Kyle's sig in case anyone feels moved to get in touch with him.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 07 Nov 1996 10:47:56 -0700
From: Kyle <>
Subject: Re: Accelerated X for NetBSD 1.2?
aron roberts wrote:
> I took a look at your site to get more info about Accelerated X for
> NetBSD but it seems that you no longer support it.
> Is that truely the case or is it just slow in coming?
NetBSD is a discontinued OS for X Inside.
Thank you for your interest in X Inside,
X Inside, Inc. "X Technology Specialists"
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