Subject: Rocket Port (WAS:AST 4-port)
To: None <>
From: Tom T. Thai <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/25/1996 18:42:44
In regard to multi-line serial cards, has anyone work with Comtrol's 
RocketPort cards?  The maker of those cards are in my "back yard".  If 
you use RocketPort cards, could you tell me about any issues you 
encountered or your opinions of those cards?  TIA.

On Wed, 23 Oct 1996 wrote:

> > I purchased a AST 4-port today which will be used in a router soon.
> > I would like to know wether I should better use it as 4 normal
> > serial ports or in the advanced interrupt sharing mode. The router
> > has enough interrupts free so that's not the point. Which solution
> > gives the best performance and the lowest risc of losing characters?
> Shared interrupt is the better mode.   One interrupt overhead can
> service several fifos.  That versus an interrupt overhead per-fifo.
> The ast handler re-examines the per-fifo interrupts as it
> processes the interrupt; heavy traffic on multiple lines may have
> even less overhead than that!
> bolo

..............          ....................................
Thomas T. Thai          Infomedia Interactive Communications             TEL 612.376.9090 * FAX 612.376.9087