Subject: Re: dsp device
To: Jordan K. Hubbard <>
From: Michael Graff <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/11/1996 12:28:58
"Jordan K. Hubbard" <> writes:
> The existing ports collection is not actually that tied to the
> packaging tools, and I've already looked at what would be necessary to
> adapt it to my new envisioned packaging scheme - it would be trivial.
> If anyone wants to help new packaging tools (which would, BTW, have
> support for multiple architectures in a single package), they could
> really give me a boost by writing or finding me an API for dealing
> with zip files. I need to be able to read the directory for a zip
> file, delete entries, add entries under specific names (using a
> supplied buffer for the contents) and extract a given entry into a
> buffer. With that, I could really go to town on the second phase,
> I've just been sort of stuck at the "fear and loathing" stage which
> comes from looking at the info-zip code, #ifdef'd for 47 different
> platforms. :-(
Why not use the old standard "tar" ? Are you choosing zip because
you can delete the compressed entries without having to uncompress the
entire stream to get at them?
I have done some of what you need in the past. The zip "directory" is
really rather simple to handle.
> > I'd like to be able to install into an arbitrary location, use symlinks
> > from /usr/local/... to where I put the package, and have easy package
> > removal.
> Yep, got all that.
Cool again.