Subject: Re: dsp device
To: Michael Graff <>
From: Jordan K. Hubbard <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/11/1996 08:23:08
> While I think the "building the ports" thing is good, I think the
> pgkadd scripts are broken.
And you've seen my enthusiastic assent with this voiced here several
times; the pkg_install tools *suck* and I *know* what needs to be done
to make them better, it's just finding the time to do the work that's
the problem. :-(
The existing ports collection is not actually that tied to the
packaging tools, and I've already looked at what would be necessary to
adapt it to my new envisioned packaging scheme - it would be trivial.
If anyone wants to help new packaging tools (which would, BTW, have
support for multiple architectures in a single package), they could
really give me a boost by writing or finding me an API for dealing
with zip files. I need to be able to read the directory for a zip
file, delete entries, add entries under specific names (using a
supplied buffer for the contents) and extract a given entry into a
buffer. With that, I could really go to town on the second phase,
I've just been sort of stuck at the "fear and loathing" stage which
comes from looking at the info-zip code, #ifdef'd for 47 different
platforms. :-(
> I'd like to be able to install into an arbitrary location, use symlinks
> from /usr/local/... to where I put the package, and have easy package
> removal.
Yep, got all that.