Subject: Re: eide cdrom support
To:, Berndt Josef Wulf <>
From: Brian Buhrow <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/30/1996 08:21:26
I'll add that we've been running Manual's work on our production NetBSD
systems, about 60 lab workstations, and it works real well, both for data
and audio support. Would that we could read multi-session CDROMs, but
that's not Manual's fault.
On Sep 30, 2:53pm, wrote:
} Subject: Re: eide cdrom support
} Check the '' page for
} Manuel Bouyer's work on ATAPI cd rom support.
} David/abs (
} .---- I've been too drunk to love ----.--- I've been too drunk to remember -.
} | Too drunk to care | The hell of the night before |
} | Looked like death, felt like Hell | I've been drinking myself blind |
} `------ Been the worse for wear ------'--- And still I'll drink some more --'
} On Sun, 29 Sep 1996, Berndt Josef Wulf wrote:
} > Hi,
} >
} > is eide cdrom supported with NetBSD-1.2? I failed to find any
} > reference to it and fear that it isn't...
} > (I know, I should run SCSI, but all the good stuff is in the AXP :)
} >
} >
} > cheerio Berndt
} > --
} > Name : Berndt Josef Wulf
} > E-Mail :
} > Sysinfo : DEC AXPpci33+, NetBSD-1.2
} >
>-- End of excerpt from