Subject: Re: Problems with 1.2/i386
To: Michael L. VanLoon -- <>
From: William O Ferry <woferry@WarpDrive.RES.CMU.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/29/1996 18:14:43
>> I figured I'd post here first, to see if anybody else has had
>>similar problems before going too much farther. I have a 486DX4/100
>I'm not seeing any problems like this running on a 24MB AMD 486
>(5x86/133MHz actually), or on a 64MB Pentium 120MHz.
>Maybe some of your new memory is of marginal quality.
Hmmm.. Don't think so. I did go from 16MB to 32MB around the time all of the
crashes started happening (about a month ago), but the older 16MB is the memory
I left in my machine when I added the new 64MB. So if the new 16MB was bad,
it's not in my machine anymore. I guess my original 16MB might have failed.
I'll try some different memory configurations...
Will Ferry