Subject: i386 snapshot in arch/NetBSD-1.2-SNAPSHOT
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/15/1996 22:24:54
I've placed a fresh i386 snapshot in arch/NetBSD-1.2-SNAPSHOT on
This is based on a compile of yesterday's tar files. I've set things
up exactly as they will be set up in the release directory for
Known problems:
1) domestic files do not contain kerberized r* utilities. This doesn
not appear to have ever worked when you do a normal build -- or perhaps
I'm mistaken. This will not be fixed.
2) floppies contain scripts unchanged from 1.1 release, down to the
release name. This will be fixed.
3) floppies contain stripped kernels to fit them in. Nothing can be
done to fix that (yet).
There also is no updated set of release notes yet -- hopefully those
will be done shortly.