Subject: Re: large memory in i386
To: Michael Robinson <Michael.Robinson@Comp.VUW.AC.NZ>
From: Jeff Northon <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/10/1996 15:24:28
Yikes! There were some iNtel DX4-100 that were mighty buggy. We just
yanked one out that was having problems. Something in vm_fault..
On Wed, 11 Sep 1996, Michael Robinson wrote:
> "Perry E. Metzger" writes:
> >Michael Robinson writes:
> >> Ever since we put an extra 32MB of memory in our i386 server, (running
> >> NetBSD 1.1, bringing it to 128MB) we've seen it reboot about every day
> >> on average. There appears to be no particular reason it does this.
> >>
> >> I've increased NMBCLUSTERS to 1024, NKMEMCLUSTERS to 8192, and NKPDE to 32,
> >> as what I've read suggests, but this hasn't helped -- indeed, the new
> >> kernel does not usually make it through /etc/rc.
> >
> >Is it possible that you are suffering from a defect in your new
> >memory, and not from a true software problem?
> Yup. I'll investigate that tomorrow, probably by the simple expedient of
> taking the new memory out.
> >In any case, what chip set is your motherboard?
> AMI bios, I'm not sure what vintage. I can't be sure about the chipset --
> the machine was purchased several years ago, and has been steadily upgraded
> since. It is a 486DX4-100, I think. I'm not the guy that purchased the
> machine in the first place :).
> -- smrf.