Subject: UPS auto-shutdown in NetBSD?
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dan J. Fraser <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/01/1996 19:59:48
I recently purchased an APC Back-UPS 400 for my NetBSD system. I am
wondering if any automated shutdown software aready exists for NetBSD.
If none does exist, I plan on writing a very simple daemon based on
shutdown which will watch a tty for indications of the power fail, send
walls to the users on a system informing them of the power fail and the
impending shutdown... And then calling a modified version of 'halt' which
will halt the system and tell the UPS to shut off power.
Would you NetBSD experts agree that this is a reasonable method to handle
the UPS shutdown interface?
Dan J. Fraser --
IRC Nick: Optic Finger me for PGP public key
Anytime things appear to be going better, you've overlooked something.