Subject: newbie: SMC8416BT with FreeBSD
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dannyman <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/30/1996 17:05:01
	Sorry if I'm posting in an incorrect place, but I need any
assistance I can get;

	I can not, for the life of me, get this freakin' Ethernet card to
be recognised by the FreeBSD generic kernel. A friend of mine mentioned aa
kernel patch for SMC cards. If anyone has the patience, could they please
send me a message telling me where to get, and more importantly, how to
install said patch, considering I dunno how to get data to the machine
without a network interface, which I unfortunately do not have.

	Also, any reccomendations about switching around the card's
configuration would be appreciated. I've nuked plug-and-ply and have
experimented with switching the addressing mechanism of how the card would
be found with the ezstart app that came with the monkey.

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