Subject: Re: comments on i386 -1.2BETA snapshot
To: None <>
From: Justin T. Gibbs <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/26/1996 22:52:24
>Success so far with installing -1.2BETA from scratch.
>Hardware: 486dx2-66, ECS EM486 EISA m/b, AHA 2742AT (twin channel)
>SCSI controller, SMC 8013 ethernet card.
>- the SCSI card works, thanks to the ahc driver. Both channels get
>  probed. I haven't yet plugged anything into the B channel but I
>  intend to play around with devices on both (testing ccd performance
>  across multiple busses :)

The two busses are multiplexed by a single controller.  I wouldn't expect
much of a difference in splitting drives across the busses.  You should
also be aware that the controller only allows 4 concurrent transactions
and that you will most certainly run into the "can't sleep waiting for
openings" problem in NetBSD's SCSI system if you play with CCD because
of this small number of controller resources.

>More later as I play around

Justin T. Gibbs
  FreeBSD: Turning PCs into workstations