Subject: Re: mb_map errors continue...
To: Chris G Demetriou <>
From: Matthew B. Wood <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/21/1996 10:46:44
> > I upped to 2048 in my last kernel compile:
> >
> > options NMBCLUSTERS=2048
> >
> >
> > But I just got this the other day:
> >
> > Aug 18 12:31:50 biteme /netbsd: mb_map full
> This is _NOT_ an error to be seeing this message.
> That message is an indication that your system is underconfigured.
> The "error" associated with that message was that, in some
> circumstances, that message wouldn't just be printed, it'd cause
> a _panic_. That behavior was bad.
> > Should I continue to increase the NMBCLUSTERS value? Is this the only
> > solution to the problem?
> How often are you seeing that message? If you're seeing it often,
> then yes, you probably should up NMBCLUSTERS. If you're seeing it
> relatively infrequently, then you probably don't need to.
> cgd
Ok, I wasn't seeing any kernel panics or anything nasty with this logged
message, but I was a bit concerned. I'm not seeing it that often. this
is the first time in a couple months, but I didn't expect it after upping
to 2048. By "underconfigured" do you mean I should allocate more buffer
Matthew B. Wood
Homer: "If something is hard, it's not worth learning. Now, let's go
watch TV."
Bart: "What's on, Dad?"
Homer: "It doesn't matter...."