Subject: Re: i386 interrupt counters
To: Noriyuki Soda <>
From: Michael Graff <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/12/1996 16:21:01
Noriyuki Soda <> writes:
> each 'com': In this case, driver level accounting is needed,
> and it is not in my scope.
> each 'card': accounting on "struct intrhand" can cope with this.
> each IRQ: old style counter is needed.
> > So, in my opinion, the "Right" thing to do is fix evcnt interrupt
> > counters to be more useful, and, failing that, just use old-style
> > counters.
> How about using both evcnt (per intrhand) and old-style counter (per line) ?
I think you see an implied tree structure here, where the tree looks like
And this is not the case. Suppose each com? received 100 interrupts. The
user would see:
IRQ0 400
card0 200
com0 100
com1 100
card1 200
com2 100
com3 100
TOTAL 1200
Which isn't right at all, since there were only 400 real interrupts.
Even if the IRQ0 were not calculated into this, and old-style and evntcnt
were tallied separately it still won't be right.