Subject: i386 interrupt counters
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG, tech-kern@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Graff <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/11/1996 01:10:55
I added in i386 interrupt counters for both the slow and fast interrupt
hooks in the kernel. Right now I have the "slow" ones called "intr*"
and the fast ones called "fast*" but I am open to suggestions on other
It is SO nice to see things like this again:
interrupt total rate
intr0 30741 100
intr1 111 0
intr6 2 0
intr9 113 0
intr10 26119 85
Total 57086 185
If anyone else wants to try out the changes before I commit them, let me
know. If no one makes better suggetions for the interrupt names, they
will end up as
intr* fast*
or perhaps
int* fint*
(I don't want to call them "slow" since the normal interrupt path is the
usual one from what I can see)
Also, since int0 is always the clock on a PC, I think, perhaps I should
just call it that and be done with it?