Subject: Re: Please, I still need help w/ MS-DOS partition
To: Ralph Seichter <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG,>
From: Matthias Drochner <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/31/1996 10:59:15
Excerpts from netbsd: 31-Jul-96 Re: Please, I still need he.. Ralph
Seichter@darkness. (1079)
> > Could you give more details on the panic message?
> As Matthias wrote, the message text is "allocbuf: buffer larger than
> MAXBSIZE requested".
> > Something that might be worth doing is waiting for 1.2 to come out, since
> > it won't need to disklabel hack in place, and the MSDOSFS is improved as
> > well.
> I guess that's what I'm gonna do. NetBSD 1.1 runs very stable on my Amiga,
> so I can afford to wait a little and then install release 1.2 on the PC.
I'm afraid this will not help. I got this panic with -current some weeks ago.
My solution was to remove the MSDOS partition :-)
best regards
Matthias Drochner