Subject: Re: Please, I still need help w/ MS-DOS partition
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ralph Seichter <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/31/1996 01:34:38
On 28.07.96, (Ken Hornstein) wrote
> Could you give more details on the panic message?
As Matthias wrote, the message text is "allocbuf: buffer larger than
MAXBSIZE requested".
> Something that might be worth doing is waiting for 1.2 to come out, since
> it won't need to disklabel hack in place, and the MSDOSFS is improved as
> well.
I guess that's what I'm gonna do. NetBSD 1.1 runs very stable on my Amiga,
so I can afford to wait a little and then install release 1.2 on the PC.
> As for the soft read errors, it might be possible you have floppies with
> errors on them (MSDOS doesn't report soft errors). What makes you think
> it has to do with timing trouble, though?
The typical messages I get when I copy files from a floppy are:
/netbsd: fdcresult: timeout
fd0a: soft error reading fsbn 72
fd0a: soft error reading fsbn 216
That's why I was talking of "timing trouble".
_ //
\X/ Ralph
"The Arnolds feign death until the Wagners, sensing the
sudden awkwardness, are compelled to leave." (GL)