Subject: RTS/CTS handshaking
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Markus Kilbinger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/26/1996 23:23:19
I had the problem of loosing some data on the way from the host to a
modem under NetBSD 1.2_BETA though rtscts handshaking is enabled. The
other (and more sensible I guessed) way `round does not make any
problem. The loss itself is not very big, but very effectiv: If you
start a Zmodem transfer every 5-12kb a crc error occurs, or during a
PPP connection about 1% of packages are retransmitted. Due to
buffering data in network layers before it will come to the modem this
effekt slows down the mean transmission rate to a small ration of that
what should be possible.
I've tested and detected this effect on some pentium machines even at
nearly zero load and quite slow transmission speed (down to 19200
baud). It's also reproducable if you use another computer instead of a
modem via null modem cable (using a different OS ;-)).
Does anybody have similar problems and can help me? Is this a known
problem and can be solved?
Thanx, Markus.