Subject: Re: Netscape 3.0b5 crashes machine?
To: Michael Graff <>
From: David Gilbert <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/24/1996 16:46:32
>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Graff <> writes:
Michael> Has anyone else noticed random crashes when running Netscape
Michael> 3b5 BSDI?
Michael> I need to get lockups, or at the very least the machine gets
Michael> into a state where TCP connections are accepted but nothing
Michael> ever comes down the pipe.
As another datapoint, I run Netscape 3.0b5 sparc-SunOS 4.1.x
on my NetBSD 1.2Alpha Sun 4/260, and it has been working well.
|David Gilbert, PCI, Richmond Hill, Ontario. | Two things can only be |
|Mail: | equal if and only if they |
| | are precisely opposite. |