Subject: rimfire 5600 SCSI ctrlr
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ray Tripamer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/16/1996 12:37:15
I have inheireted an old 486 system with a rimfire scsi controller and
2 600mb disks that I would like to put NetBSD 1.1 on to use as a file
storage server.
I don't have any technical info about the controller, but I was wondering
if NetBSD supports this thing or not. It wasn't listed specifically on the
list of supported SCSI controllers, so I guess I am hoping that it uses a
generic chip set that is supported.
I tried going through the install process with the KCOTH11 boot floppy,
but when it got to the point where it makes the filesystems, I got
"/dev/rsd0a device not configured" type errors, etc. I'm assuming this
means that it isn't going to work?
If not, I guess I'll go out and buy a $200 1.2G IDE drive for it :-)
Ray Tripamer