Subject: What obvious mistake am I making?
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robert Kennedy <robert@Theory.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/16/1996 09:29:00
I am trying to examine and set the disk label on a 1.44MB 3.25"
floppy disk that is currently formatted for MS-DOG. Here is what happens:
> disklabel fd0
>From the kernel:
fd0d: hard error reading fsbn 0 (st0 40<abnrml> st1 1<no_am> st2 0 cyl 0 head 0 sec 1)
fd0d: hard error reading fsbn 1 (st0 40<abnrml> st1 1<no_am> st2 0 cyl 0 head 0 sec 2)
And from the disklabel process itself:
disklabel: ioctl DIOCGDINFO: Invalid argument
It occurs to me that maybe these errors happen because there's no valid
label on the disk, so I figure, OK, let's put one there. I say
> disklabel -w -r fd0 floppy
And the kernel says:
fd0d: hard error reading fsbn 0 (st0 40<abnrml> st1 1<no_am> st2 0 cyl 0 head 0 sec 1)
fd0d: hard error reading fsbn 0 of 0-15 (st0 40<abnrml> st1 1<no_am> st2 0 cyl 0 head 0 sec 1)
And the disklabel process says:
disklabel: /dev/rfd0d: Input/output error
What am I doing wrong? It seems to me I've labeled floppies before on my
NetBSD-1.1 i486DX2-66 system, but apparently I can't remember how I
did it. What's the deal?
-- Robert Kennedy
P.S. Which document should I have read to find the answers to these
questions? I couldn't figure it out.
P.P.S. I believe the floppy disk's medium itself is fine, because this same
problem happens with every floppy I try, and the floppies format and
verify correctly under DOG.