Subject: Re: -current (1.2A-960626) snapshot available
To: Webmaster Jim <>
From: James Michael Chacon <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/12/1996 09:52:12
>On Jul 12, 12:05pm, Michael Graff wrote:
>} The main reason your 284x card doesn't ``just work'' in the 1.2 release is
>} because there really is no driver for it, I believe.
>} The 284x lives in EISA space, but really is a VLB card.  IMHO, it should
>} be hard coded in the config file, or at least have a list of addresses to
>} probe at and do so manually.
>} I dunno.  I just hate hacking the EISA code just for one (imho) broken
>} VLB card.
>I had gotten patches from "explorer" to run my 2842, but haven't been
>able to apply them for various reasons.  If the card is broken,  then why
>does it work fine with FreeBSD (please no flames, I'm forced to use
>FreeBSD because of this and I'm trying to get away from it)?

It works with FreeBSD because they hacked it in. Violating abstraction layers
doesn't seem to be a big worry of theirs.

Sometime soon hopefully someone should just add a VLB bus type like eisa,
isa,etc and then it would work fairly easily.


(i.e. under FreeBSd I beleive you compile in eisa support even if you don't
 have an eisa bus but do have this card. Not exactly intuitive.)