Subject: Re: -current (1.2A-960626) snapshot available
To: Michael Graff <>
From: Sean Berry (most of the time) <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/12/1996 13:28:50
>The main reason your 284x card doesn't ``just work'' in the 1.2 release is
>because there really is no driver for it, I believe.
>The 284x lives in EISA space, but really is a VLB card. IMHO, it should
>be hard coded in the config file, or at least have a list of addresses to
>probe at and do so manually.
>I dunno. I just hate hacking the EISA code just for one (imho) broken
>VLB card.
It'd be nice if those of us foolish enough to have bought said broken card
when the driver was still hacked in could continue to use them under BSD.
Sean Berry is a computer scientist trapped in an engineer's mind.
I imagine someone is likely to misinterpret my opinions as those of my
various employers. This is not the case.