Subject: Re: How can one disklabel a MS-DOS partition?
To: Paul Apprich <>
From: Mark Willey <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/06/1996 03:23:12
Paul Apprich writes:
> It's Mr. 2ManyQ's again. I've heard it from here that there is
> some disklabeling needed for NetBSD to mount an MS-DOS partition. Is it
> looking for a string in the MBR or GBR that it can identify or is it the
> OS type byte ('A5' for BSD386 '06' for BIGDOS, etc.)? I have no fear of
> diddling with MBR code, everything is backed up.
As someone pointed out to me in the other thread, you no longer need to
write the disklabel on a -current system. This is definitely the way to
go. I tried it today, and it works like a charm. If you want, I can build
a kernel for you based on the -currrent sources that you can use to mount
the disk. Just tell me which standard config file you are using, or mail
me a special one. The name can be found when you bootup, in this string:
NetBSD 1.2_BETA (GATEKEEPER) #0: Mon Jul 1 20:00:46 MST 1996
This is it. You can get this info by typing "dmesg".