Subject: os-bs 2.0 beta question
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Paul Apprich <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/02/1996 07:12:34
I grabbed osbsBETA.exe from the tu-berlin site, and installed with
no apparent problem. As a test, I put MS-DOS on the second hard drive
(there's DOS on the first hdd) and set the menu accordingly. When I
attempt booting from the second drive, I get a 'Non-system disk or disk
error' message. I know that this is a message originating from the generic
boot record. Is there supposed to be a modification to the MBR or GBR on
the second hdd to have this work properly? I tried installing NetBSD on
the second drive and when booting from tat OS was attempted, all that
happened was a hard lockup.