Subject: Re: Xserver loses all keboard input with 1.2-beta kernel?
To: Jonas Lagerblad <>
From: Neil J. McRae <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/01/1996 19:25:38
On 1 Jul 1996 13:13:34 +0200 (Jonas Lagerblad) wrote:
> In article <>,
> Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU> wrote:
> >
> >I've set up a nameless P120 running NetBSD 1.2-Beta. I've recently
> >stopped using the pcvt interface and started using X. I find that
> >after a few minutes use, all keyboard events stop. I've run xev on
> >another machine and verified that mouse events are being tracked, but
> >key up/down events seem to totally disappear.
> I have noticed exactly the same phenomena on some 150Mhz Pentiums that
> I maintain. My computers are set up very similar to your, Diamon
> Stealth 64 with 4Mb VRAM, 64Mb internal memory, Logitech serial mouse
> and Keytronic keyboard. I have noticed that tho hanging has something
> to do woth typing rate since it's the fastest typers that is most
> often bit by this bug. I have somewhat removed the problem by
> switching the keyboards to cheaper keyboards that force the users to
> type more slowly :-<.
I see this once a week on
Neil J. McRae. Alive and Kicking. Domino: In the glow of the night.
neil@DOMINO.ORG NetBSD/sparc: 100% SpF (Solaris protection Factor)
Free the daemon in your computer!