Subject: Re: Multiboot w/o sliver partitions
To: Mark Willey <>
From: Paul Apprich <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/01/1996 07:36:17
On Mon, 1 Jul 1996, Mark Willey wrote:
> Paul Apprich writes:
> >
> >
> > I have the following system:
> >
> > 486 dx2 66 w/ 16MB RAM
> > hdd0: 244 MB HDD w/ msdos 6.2
> > hdd1: 169 MB HDD w/ NetBSD v1.1 (i386)
> >
> > I would like to keep the disks as they are without having to put
> > 'crawlspace' partitions on hdd 0. In other words, is there a multiboot
> > program that will force the system to boot from the *second* hard drive
> > as if it were the first (read cyl 0 head 0 sector 0 hdd1). I've tried
> > creating a single track partition with some int 13h code to load the MBR
> > from hdd1 and jump to MBR code, but I am getting nowhere fast. Is there a
> > way to tell int 19h from which drive to boot?
> I do this exact thing currently with OS-BS. You want Version 2.0 beta 8,
> or later. I have it somewhere if you want me to make it available.
> Mark
Definitely! whether by FTP or attachment, I need it!