Subject: AHA2740 support?
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/27/1996 17:58:54
We've managed to obtain an 486 EISA motherboard (8 EISA slots, 16 x 30pin
SIMM sockets - in short, the perfect thing for a spare 486dx2-66 and lots
of 30pin SIMMs we have lying around). We also had a AHA2740AT lying around.
For those not in the know, this is an EISA card, with twin SCSI channels.
My question: will NetBSD-1.2 support the AHA2740AT (even if only one SCSI
bus works) as we intend to upgrade (the Australian
NetBSD mirror) from a 386dx40 + 8MB + AHA1542CF(*) to a 486dx2-66 + 16-32MB
+ AHA2740AT and it has to be known to work before we do this.
(*) This machine has been up for 185 days, running as a SUP, FTP, and HTTP
server (the latter for about 1 month). It has two 1GB DEC RZ57's ccd-ed as
a stripe, and it has worked without a hitch. NetBSD-1.1 is *far* more stable
than -1.0; it used to crash about every 40 days under the latter, which at
the time I was putting down to a dodgy motherboard, but since it hasn't
hiccupped under -1.1 I now know that it must have been kernel unstability.
Luke Mewburn <>
"This is the central trick of the censor: to exaggerate the importance of the
challenging speech, to suppress it, and to deny the suppression."
-- `Guilty Secrets; Free Speech & Defamation in Australia', Roger Pullan